Saturday, April 30, 2005

Episode III: 19 Days

In nineteen days, I will have already seen Revenge of the Sith twice -- nineteen days until the nineteenth. Frankly, that's somewhat terrifying. It's coming up so soon, and then it'll all be over. No more Star Wars movies. Ever. Yes, there'll be TV series. And books. And videogames. And comics. And Super-Special Limited Editions. But the saga will be complete.

I keep on learning more and more about Episode III. Just yesterday I learned three things that I really didn't want to learn. One I had been practically positive was true for some time now, another I had actually speculated on,* and the third didn't exactly come as a surprise -- I could have easily guessed it by now. Still, it's infuriating. I've tried for three years now to remain spoiler-free, or at least as close as I can get, and when Episode III comes along I'll know practically everything.

Still, I'll know less that I did for Episodes I and II. I had read the scripts for both of those before release, so I knew exactly -- exactly -- what happens. That's not quite true of Episode III. I'm now more focused on saving whatever little remains unknown for the 19th. Today the Official Site released the "A Hero Falls" music video,** and I didn't watch it. I watched some behind-the-scenes stuff on the recording of the score -- also new content for today -- but closed the window as soon as new Episode III footage started showing up.

*I suppose I should actually be rather proud that my speculation was correct, as it was somewhat of a mystery, but it still smarts to have that little surprise ruined.

**They normally update around 9:00 PM EST every weeknight, but apparently as we approach the 19th they're updating on Saturdays, too. Not sure about Sunday.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Celebration III

The past few days - Thursday through today - Celebration III has been going on in Indiana! I haven't had a chance to post about it yet because I've been busy catching up on all the news! Check out the link about for a ton of stuff. Here are the highlights:

- Episode III is DONE
- Digital version is slightly longer
- George Lucas started reading the Indy IV script this weekend
- Battlefront II Officially Announced
- Star Tours will be revamped
- TWO new TV shows!
* New Clone Wars 3D animated show, 30 minute episodes
* New live-action show between Ep. III and IV based on a spinoff character
> 100 episodes
> 1 hour each
> Lucas will direct first season
- New I - VI box set is in the works
- New 9-book series: Legacy of the Force
* Begins a new "Legacy Era"
* First book is Betrayal by Aaron Allston
* Luke plagued by visions of approaching darkness
* Boba & the new Mandalorians appear
* Mystery of Vergere will be resolved
* You'll see the rebuilding of Coruscant
- Other upcoming books include
* Dark Nest
* Dark Lord
* Coruscant Nights
* Zahn book between IV and V about Mara and Luke (they don't meet)

Exciting stuff! Only 25 more days!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Time Zone

I commented a while back on how the timestamp on these posts seemed to be California time, which I explained by claiming Blogger is based there. Well, I just noticed my most recent post on my other blog was stamped correctly, which got me thinking. Sure enough, some poking around in the blog settings revealed that this blog was set for California time. Oops. All fixed now. :-)

The Final Prophecy

You know, when I first started that book, I thought it was talking about Ikrit's prophecy in Edge of Victory I. Once I got quite a ways into, though, I realized it was talking about Yu'Shaa's prophecy.

Anyway, I finished The Final Prophecy 15 minutes ago -- that is, at 4:25 PM. It was very good. Zonama Sekot is awesome, and I'm very intrigued by the secrets of its history. Five minutes later, at 4:30, I started The Unifying Force. The final book in the New Jedi Order... wow. I've been reading this series for years now, longer than I've been reading any other series... ever. I think so, at least. (Five minutes after I started TUF, I put it down again. Five minutes after that I started writing this entry. That wasn't just a coincidence, by the way. I really like fives, so once the trend started I decided to keep it up. Now it's five minutes after I started this entry.)

I'm finished the New Jedi Order at almost exactly the same time as the Star Wars saga is ending, and, unlike the fives, I didn't plan that. Creepy, huh? I've basically caught up with the EU now. Aside from some miscellaneous little bits, I've read everything. So, until the Dark Nest starts, I'll be reading some of those. First I'll read the ROTS stuff, which I'm holding off on until the movie. Then I'll read Survior's Quest, and the Splinter of the Mind's Eye, both of which I have. Who knows what I'll read after that. Maybe The Joiner King will be out by then. I might actually resort to non-Star Wars material -- R.A. Salvatore personally recommended his Dark Elf trilogy to me, so maybe I'll read that. :-)

It's now been five minutes since the last five minute mark. Wow. Have a nice day, and may the Force be with you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Episode III Trailer Reviews

There have been many ROTS trailers to premiere over the past few days. Here's what I think -- but beware some minor spoilers!

Episode III Video Game Premiered 16 April for Hyperspace

Very cool, especially towards the end with the "destiny" part. Doesn't give anything big away, which is good. Nice rappeling Clone Troopers. Cool moves. Looks like a good game.

Jedi Action 1 Premiered 18 April for everyone

I like seeing some nice bits of Grievous, which the other trailers have lacked. Also Anakin with his red lightsaber on the Invisible Hand, that shuttle on Utapau, a bit of MagnaGuard action, and the wheel bike. Not too shabby.

Jedi Action 2 Premiered 18 April for everyone

The best of the three new TV ads. My favorite shot is probably the Star Destroyers towards the beginning. I also like the Mace bits. The tank droids, Yoda, and the final duel also get a bit more coverage. Oh - and Plo Koon. Finally, I like Sidious' cackling at the end. If I'm not mistaken, that clip didn't have the audio with it in any of the other trailers.

Unite Premiered 18 April for everyone

Grievous speaks! We also get to see Boga and a big more action on Utapau, as well as the customary "I have a bad feeling about this." Just listen to the voiceover, though -- it's hilarious! "On May 19th," says the narrator, "the Jedi must unite to fight the ultimate battle against the evil Sith Lord and his new apprentice, Darth Vader." First of all, he just says "Sith Lord," not "Sith Lord Sidious" or something. Second of all, he says "and his new apprentice, Darth Vader," as if he's talking about some great new meal at McDonald's instead of the best-known baddie in cinematic history. Listen to it -- you'll know what I mean.

Revenge of the Brick Premiered 19 April for Hyperspace

Fun idea, fun trailer. I don't think I'll watch on May 8th, because I think it's the whole movie - in brick form. I don't want to be spoiled that much. ;-) I do think it's odd that there's the Lego Star Wars videogame and now this, and they don't look very similar. Strange. (Lego Star Wars stays more true to the Lego form; ROTB cheats a bit in terms of brickifying things.)

One Month Left until Episode III

As of today, there's only one month left until the dark side is unleashed in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The last milestone this big was arguably the one-year-mark. On that day, the Episode III release date had only been known for a little over a month, and the title still wouldn't be known for several months. Only a select few photos were available, and I didn't even have access to most of them -- I wasn't yet a Hyperspace member. There were no final effects shots released yet, let alone full trailers like we have now. In fact, as of yesterday, when three new TV ads went online, there are eight Episode III trailers!

In Other News

Today I uploaded a brand-new, Star Wars-themed home page that I've been working on over the long weekend, as well as some of last weekend.

In addition, I'd like to congratulate Pope Benedict XVI on his superb timing. It's obvious that it's not a coincidence that he was elected exactly one month from Episode III. He must be a big Star Wars fan. :-)

Friday, April 15, 2005


Guess what? Tonight we went to Fever Pitch for the second time, and again they showed the Episode III trailer!!! But guess what's even better? After the movie, at 10:00, WE GOT EPISODE III TICKETS!!! AMC got the go-ahead from Fox just the day before yesterday. We were the first at our local theater to get any -- they hadn't even updated their computers yet when we asked, and so they did and on the spot and we ordered. :-)

Click here for more on ROTS tickets.

In Other News:

After just one day on sale, the Revenge of the Sith novelization jumped to #4 on USA Today's bestseller list, #3 on Bookscan's, #2 on the New York Times, and #1 on the WSJ list! Congrats to Matt Stover! :-)

Click here for more.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

NJO and PG-13

First of all, I finished Force Heretic III - Reunion either last night or the night before. I can't believe I can't remember... it could have even been the night before the night before last night. I've been sick recently, and missed school yesterday, so all my timing's a bit off.

For the first time in many, many, months, I found that I was - gasp! - not in possesion of the next book I was to read. Today, though, after school, we dropped by Barnes & Noble and picked up both The Final Prophecy and The Unifying Force. I'm beginning TFP tonight.

Second of all, as of today it's official that Revenge of the Sith is rated PG-13 for "sci-fi violence and some intense images." Interesting.

Homework time... adios!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Episode III Soundtrack Preview & the Harvard Coop

First of all, this past Monday updated was a cool Episode III soundtrack preview. It consists of 60 seconds of "Grievous speaks to Lord Sidious." Click here to check it out. (Hyperspace membership required.)

For those who don't have hyperspace, here's my exclusive 10-second preview:

Duh-da-la-duh-da-la-duh, duh-da-la-duh-da-la-duh, duh-da-la-duh-da-la-duh, dada-da-da BUH-BUH, BUHBUH, duh-da-la-duh-da-la-duh, duh-da-la-duh-da-la-duh, duh-da-la-duh-da-la-duh-da-la-duh-duh-da-la, DUH-DA-LA-DUH, DUH-DUH DA DA...

Pretty cool, huh?

In other news, on Monday I attended a Matthew Stover book signing at the Harvard Coop. Matthew Stover is the author of NJO: Traitor, Shatterpoint, and the new Revenge of the Sith novelization. He was really nice. By chance, his friend R.A. Salvatore was also there. Salvatore wrote Vector Prime and the Episode II novelization. He, too, was very nice. :-)

1,000 Hours Left!

At 8:00 this morning -- it's currently 7:21:40* -- there will be exactly 1,000 hours left until Episode III - Revenge of the Sith arrives!!! Too bad I'll be at school to celebrate the momentous occasion. (Today also marks 42 days until ROTS -- and 42 is the meaning of life!)

On this page at, you can see a little countdown on the left side of the page. :-)

Other News:

Episode III soundtrack preview and Harvard Coop book signing -- I'll post about those this afternoon, when I'm home from school and actually have time!

*Don't look at what the time stamp on the post says. I think it thinks I'm in California. Silly time zones.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Episode III Toys!

Yesterday was the big unveiling of all the Revenge of the Sith merchandise, from the novelizations (currently #1 on the Sci-Fi bestsellers list, followed by The Art of Revenge of the Sith in #2) to the toys.

To celebrate the event, I went to Toys 'R' Us and then to Target. Each of them had substantial displays -- Toys 'R' Us' was right in the front of the store. I was intrigued by how different the displays looked, though. Toys 'R' Us' centered around the "Vader in Flames" logo, whereas the Target display had more of a retro "Revenge of the Jedi" feel.

Wow... they have some great toys! :-) I especially like the vehicles, namely the BARC Speeder, the AT-RT (which neither TRU nor Target had), and Jedi Starfighters. Grievous' wheel bike also looks cool.

One of the most innovative new toys is a Lightsaber Battle Game. It comes with a short toy lightsaber and a control box in the shape of a training remote. You plug the remote into your TV, and then you can battle all the greatest villians of the Star Wars saga with your lightsaber! It's tons of fun. So much fun, in fact, that I'm off to play it right now!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Disney, Clones, Legos, Commandos, and Tragedy

Disney World

As you may or may not know, I was in Disney World from last Thursday to this past Tuesday. On (I think) our first or second day there, I finished reading Force Heretic II: Refugee and started Force Heretic III: Reunion -- the third-to-last book in the NJO. While at the Disney-MGM Studios park, I got to go on Star Tours -- five times!!!

Even lining up for Star Tours is exciting. The whole place is made to look like Endor. They have a big AT-AT model, although only the metal frame was there when we went -- we think they were renovating it. There's a speeder bike you can sit on, and even walkways up in the fake trees! (Sadly, you can't get up there.) Inside, it's made to look like a Star Wars airport.

An announcer is continually updating you with random information. "Productivity has decreased in sector four. Commence temporary diagnostic shutdown." "Flight 127 has been moved to Gate B. Departure time will not be affected." "Galactic regulations require that all cargo be stored in provided space." And so on. (Those aren't exact quotes, but they're the kinds of things they said.)

There are several droids working on various tasks -- fixing other droids, monitoring security screens, and so on. There's a great big starship sitting there with R2-D2 in the navigator socket (he bounces up and down and turns his head) and C-3PO (he stands in one place, but is otherwise fully mobile) on a neighboring platform. They have a little discussion going on between them, which is fun to listen to.

There's also an information screen advertising Star Tours' flights and a control room where you can see two Mon Calamarians at control boards. Once you get through the line, there are five gates to choose from. Each gate has five queues -- one per passenger row in the Starspeeder 3000, your ship. Helpful humans guide your party to an available row. Once lined up, you see a brief safety video featuring a woman with a mix between Mickey Mouse ears and a Princess Leia donut-ears hairdo. They also show funny clips of various aliens -- wookiees, ewoks, mon calamarians, grans, and more -- filing into the starship in proper fashion.

Then the gates open. Inside is a big black chamber with the Starspeeder 3000 right in the middle and walkways from the gate leading up to it. You sit down, watch another brief safety video co-starring C-3PO, buckle up, and stow your cargo. One of the employees (they call them "the cast" at Disney World) comes in dressed like a Rebel technician and gives you one final safety speech. The "cast member" then says, "May the Force be with you -- because I won't be." At least, I think they're supposed to say that. A couple times the person didn't.

The cast member leaves and the doors close behind you. On the little video screen on the right (where C-3PO gave his talk), Captain Rex, your pilot, welcomes you aboard -- and warns that it's his first flight. Then he says he'll open the cockpit screen, and a kind of curtain at the front of the ship goes down, revealing a talking, moving, Captain Rex (on the left of the cockpit). Your "forward viewport" takes up the front of the ship. In reality, it's a video screen, showing what the view out the front would be if you were actually in a Starspeeder. You fly out of the hanger crazily, completely out of control, and then proceed to take on Star Destroyers, TIE Fighters, and even the first Death Star. You even get to jump to lightspeed, which is easilt the best part. At the same time, in perfect sync with the movements seen on-screen, the actually ship rocks back and forth, forward and backwards! It's incredible.

Then you finally return to your spaceport, the doors open (this time it's the doors on the other side of the ship, so new passengers can enter easily), and you emerge into an incredible Star Wars gift shop. They have a ton of stuff, from costumes to the OTC action figures to even the latest Episode III preview figures. (Speaking of which, the full set of toys debuts at midnight tonight -- I can't wait!)

Clone Wars

We got the Volume I DVD yesterday, which was exciting. It has a couple cool documentaries, plus an Xbox demo of Republic Commando! It was great to finally see the first 20 chapters all as one.

As for Volume II, they're over now. Our hotel in Disney World sadly didn't have Cartoon Network, so we instead downloaded the latest chapter every night and watched it on our laptop. The last few episodes follow the adventures of everyone's favorite heros, leading right into the opening battle of Episode III.

The Clone Wars series is almost certainly done for good now, which is kind of sad. Oh well. They were all excellent. :-)

Lego Star Wars

The other day I downloaded a demo of the new Lego Star Wars game. It's tons of fun! It spans Episode I, II, and III, and features over 30 playable characters! It's very simple, but very enjoyable. In the demo you fight your way through the Trade Federation battleship as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in Episode I. It's available from the official web site.

Republic Commando

The day before yesterday (Wednesday, the 30th) I finally, finally, finished Republic Commando. It's not that I spent that much time play the game -- it's relatively short compared to many of today's games -- but there was just so much time in between playings.

I was kind of stuck at the last part, because I was trying the completely wrong approach. Then, with the help of another Star Wars's fan's hint, I changed my strategy and had won the game within ten minutes. (I was very, very, close to the end.)

The epilogue of the game is very cool. It shows the beginning stages of one of the battles of Episode III -- it's very exciting!!!

New Episode III TV Spots

Tonight updated with three new Episode III TV spots! One of them is just a shortened version of the teaser trailer -- titled, appropriately enough, "Teaser." The next is called "Dark Side Unleashed," and features some new footage. The final and best one is "Tragedy," which is almost completely made up of new footage. It also, if I'm not mistaken, features some of the first Episode III music to be heard by the public!


Revenge of the Sith is coming up very, very soon. The circle is just 48 days away from being complete.