Monday, May 16, 2005

THREE: AOTC turns 3, ROTS turns -3

Today marks three years since Attack of the Clones' release, on May 16, 2002. It is marks negative three days until Revenge of the Sith's release! Three is the magic number, indeed.


My Star Wars Marathon Continues

Last night, I only got to the "Young Skywalker is in pain, terrible pain!" part of Attack of the Clones, so this afternoon, right when I got home from school, I saw the rest (albeit skipping tiny bits). Then, during supper, we saw A New Hope up until the "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" part.

Customizable Excuse Note

Missing school or work this Thursday due to an inexplicable, one-day illness? Check out Geek Squad's customizable May 19th excuse note!

How many times? has a poll going asking how many times you plan to see Episode III opening day. I fall into the "twice" category. When last I checked the results, 466 said "5 times or more" -- 8% of the votes tallied thus far.

37%: Once
42%: More than once
19%: None opening day

No, that doesn't total 100%, but that's what the poll results say.

I saw Episodes I and II six times each in theaters, just once on opening day. (Episode II, those, I saw once each of the first three days it was out.) Episode IV (Special Edition) I saw twice in theaters. Episodes V and VI I've never seen in theaters. The only time I've seen a movie twice in one day (that I can remember) is The Incredibles, and that was just so I could see the Episode III trailer twice! :-) (Also, I don't think that was opening day -- might have been the day after.)

For Episode III, I'm determined to see it at least a dozen times in theaters. So determined that, over TWO years ago, on Friday, April 11, 2003, I had my mom say a pledge, which I recorded on the computer, that she would allow me to see it so many times. I still have it. It's pretty long, and I have homework to do, but one day -- maybe this weekend -- I'll actually post a transcript.

Sith Happens posted a new TV spot today, entitled "Sith Happens (3 Days)." I believe it was only showing on TV today, and that they'll have different ones for two days, one day, and THE day.

LEGO Fun at School

Today, during X-Block, which goes from 9:00 to about 10:00 on Mondays (plus or minus ten minutes), I stayed in my Geometry classroom -- that's what I had from 8:00 - 9:00 -- and played with some Legos some kid had left behind. First I made a roman numeral "III," made of of yellows with the exception of a stripe of red second row down. Then I made an "S," "I," "T," and "H," and attached them to the bottom of the "III" to spell "SITH." Then I made a couple random lava-ish structures, and then "Toph" to put off to the side as a signature, and then some more lava, and then a crude "19."

Chewie Fun at School

Speaking of school, I've been working on a model of Chewbacca's head for well over a month now. Everyone had to make a head out of cardboard, so I did Chewie. Everyone else has been done for weeks now, though. Not me. I'm finishing off the skeleton, and then I have to put cardboard "fur" on. Estimated time of completion? Used to be about now; now it's, pessimistically (but realistically), next fall. Sadly, it's not the kind of thing that can easily be taken home and worked on.


Three more days... three more oh-to-short days...


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