The Final Prophecy
You know, when I first started that book, I thought it was talking about Ikrit's prophecy in Edge of Victory I. Once I got quite a ways into, though, I realized it was talking about Yu'Shaa's prophecy.
Anyway, I finished The Final Prophecy 15 minutes ago -- that is, at 4:25 PM. It was very good. Zonama Sekot is awesome, and I'm very intrigued by the secrets of its history. Five minutes later, at 4:30, I started The Unifying Force. The final book in the New Jedi Order... wow. I've been reading this series for years now, longer than I've been reading any other series... ever. I think so, at least. (Five minutes after I started TUF, I put it down again. Five minutes after that I started writing this entry. That wasn't just a coincidence, by the way. I really like fives, so once the trend started I decided to keep it up. Now it's five minutes after I started this entry.)
I'm finished the New Jedi Order at almost exactly the same time as the Star Wars saga is ending, and, unlike the fives, I didn't plan that. Creepy, huh? I've basically caught up with the EU now. Aside from some miscellaneous little bits, I've read everything. So, until the Dark Nest starts, I'll be reading some of those. First I'll read the ROTS stuff, which I'm holding off on until the movie. Then I'll read Survior's Quest, and the Splinter of the Mind's Eye, both of which I have. Who knows what I'll read after that. Maybe The Joiner King will be out by then. I might actually resort to non-Star Wars material -- R.A. Salvatore personally recommended his Dark Elf trilogy to me, so maybe I'll read that. :-)
It's now been five minutes since the last five minute mark. Wow. Have a nice day, and may the Force be with you.
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