One Month Left until Episode III
As of today, there's only one month left until the dark side is unleashed in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The last milestone this big was arguably the one-year-mark. On that day, the Episode III release date had only been known for a little over a month, and the title still wouldn't be known for several months. Only a select few photos were available, and I didn't even have access to most of them -- I wasn't yet a Hyperspace member. There were no final effects shots released yet, let alone full trailers like we have now. In fact, as of yesterday, when three new TV ads went online, there are eight Episode III trailers!
In Other News
Today I uploaded a brand-new, Star Wars-themed home page that I've been working on over the long weekend, as well as some of last weekend.
In addition, I'd like to congratulate Pope Benedict XVI on his superb timing. It's obvious that it's not a coincidence that he was elected exactly one month from Episode III. He must be a big Star Wars fan. :-)
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