Wednesday, May 18, 2005

ONE: Less than three hours!

Less than three hours now! I finished ROTJ, and now I'm getting a bit of last-minute homework in... while wearing my ROTS sweatshirt and T-shirt. :-)

Then I'll watch the tail end of Episode II and GO SEE EPISODE III!!!

Yes, I'm very, very, very excited. VERY.

Am I more than just a little sad that it'll be ending? Yes. But it's not really ending. There'll be at least a couple more TV series, countless books, tons of comics, toys, videogames... you name it. Star Wars will live as long as fans exist to keep it going -- which means it's got at least another eighty years, assuming I live to be 95. With modern medicine, I think that's reasonable.

When I get home in about five or six hours, I'll be looking forward to seeing the digital version of ROTS this Sunday, playing the game, analyzing the movie for every detail, reading the book (finally!), seeing the deleted scenes on DVD, and whatever Super Special Limited Edition they cook up for the big 50th anniversary in 2027. Star Wars isn't ending... it's just beginning.

Well, not really. It's more in the middle. A little closer to the end than the middle, probably. But you get my point.


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