Sunday, February 27, 2005

Destiny's Way

A minute ago, just before 15:40, I finished Destiny's Way. It was good! :-) I interrupted reading it briefly to read Ylesia, which I finished Friday night and which was also pretty good, although it looked like some of its passages had been copied straight out of DW -- or vice versa.

Next up: Force Heretic I: Remnant. Only five more books left in the New Jedi Order... after so many years, I'm almost there!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

The End of the Beginning of the Beginning of the End

That is, the end of the Clone Wars. For me, at least. In book form, at least. There's still the new cartoons next month and plenty of comics just waiting to be read, but yesterday I finished Republic Commando - Hard Contact. I have now read every Clone Wars Novel. (That doesn't count the Boba Fett books.)

Hard Contact started out relatively slow and I wasn't sure whether I would like it, but by the end it really picked up. I love all the gadgets and such in it -- the various kinds of explosives, the amazing Commando armor, the hidden cameras and probes and such.

Soon after finished Hard Contact I returned to the New Jedi Order -- quite a time leap -- and started Destiny's Way. It certainly started off with a bang, and I'm loving it so far. I'm just past Vergere's story of Zonama Sekot. It's pretty amazing that someone actually reading the books in chronological order would have to read, what, like, 50 years worth of books to finally resolve that mystery. :)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hard Contact, the Patriots, and Mandalorian War Songs

Last Sunday -- not this past one, but the one before that -- after I finished Labyrinth of Evil I started on Republic Commando: Hard Contact, which I had gotten at the same time as LoE. I'm now about halfway done. It's pretty good, and gives a whole new perspective on the Clone Wars, but it's still nothing compared to Labyrinth of Evil. :-)

This past Sunday, just a couple days ago, THE PATRIOTS WON THE SUPER BOWL!!! That in and of itself may not be Star Wars related, but they played the main theme while presenting the Vince Lombardi trophy! :-)

Yesterday the head of our school announced that, if we wanted to, we could have our parents call in and not go to school because of the parade! :-) I decided to stay home, since we'd get nothing done at school with so few people there anyway.

Last night I checked for the latest news and saw that they had posted fifteen original songs from the upcoming game Republic Commando! Best of all, five of them have ancient Mandalorian lyrics, complete with English translations available for download! Go to the RC site, hover over "Navigate" at the top, and click "MP3's" (fourth column, fourth item) to see them all.

May the Force be with you... and go Patriots!!! :-)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Last Day

After 28 years, the last scene of the last Star Wars movie ever has been filmed. It's really rather sad. And, according to's report (available to Hyperspace members only), the last shot filmed is also one that looks to be a very pivotal one in Episode III.

Of course, there's still a ton of work to be done. Post-production is in full swing, and John Williams will begin recording the score this week. Marketing-wise, things are definitely ramping up, with the recent release of Labyrinth of Evil last week and the first toys yesterday. As Pablo Hidalgo, on-set journalist, put it, "If this isn't the home stretch, I don't know what is."