The End of the Beginning of the Beginning of the End
That is, the end of the Clone Wars. For me, at least. In book form, at least. There's still the new cartoons next month and plenty of comics just waiting to be read, but yesterday I finished Republic Commando - Hard Contact. I have now read every Clone Wars Novel. (That doesn't count the Boba Fett books.)
Hard Contact started out relatively slow and I wasn't sure whether I would like it, but by the end it really picked up. I love all the gadgets and such in it -- the various kinds of explosives, the amazing Commando armor, the hidden cameras and probes and such.
Soon after finished Hard Contact I returned to the New Jedi Order -- quite a time leap -- and started Destiny's Way. It certainly started off with a bang, and I'm loving it so far. I'm just past Vergere's story of Zonama Sekot. It's pretty amazing that someone actually reading the books in chronological order would have to read, what, like, 50 years worth of books to finally resolve that mystery. :)
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