Friday, December 24, 2004

Traitor & CHRISTMAS!!!

I finished Traitor just five or ten minutes ago. It was really good. :-)

I'm not starting another book right away. If I were, it would be either Survivor's Quest or Splinter of the Mind's Eye, since those are the two remaining books I have that I haven't yet read. Tomorrow, though, is Christmas, and since I have a few more books on my wish list, soon I should be able to continue the Clone Wars. That's good, because I'm very determined to finish ALL Clone Wars stuff by May 19th.

Well, Merry Christmas Eve to all, and to all a good morning!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Traitor, Web Site, and MagnaGuards - Oh my!

I'm now on vacation -- wahoo! -- which means plenty of free time. I finished Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand a day or two ago and immediately started Traitor.

Just today, the Official Site revealed the names of General Grievous' deadly bodyguards: IG 100 MagnaGuards. (IG stands for InterGalactic, as in InterGalactic Banking Clan.) It seems from the name that they're IG 88's successors, but EU material suggests that IG 88 came into existance after the Clone Wars. Interesting... Well, all sorts of manufacturers (computers, cars, etc.) sometimes introduce products with a lower numerical designation, so it's perfectly logical that the IGCB would do the same.

Finally, I've been getting a lot of work done on my Star Wars website, version 2.0. Hopefully I'll have all the updates online by the New Year!


Friday, December 10, 2004

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter & Clone Wars

I just finished reading Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter an hour or so ago. It was pretty good, and I liked how it led right into Episode I. If only Darth Maul had gotten a little more screen time... he's such a good villian! Anyway, now I'm reading Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand, #12 out of 19 in the NJO.

More exciting yet is the fact that on March 21, Season 3 of Star Wars: Clone Wars debuts, and one day later the DVD of Seasons 1 and 2 ("Volume 1" collectively) comes out. I'm really excited! recently posted a preview of Season 3, and it looks really good. :-)