Traitor, Web Site, and MagnaGuards - Oh my!
I'm now on vacation -- wahoo! -- which means plenty of free time. I finished Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand a day or two ago and immediately started Traitor.
Just today, the Official Site revealed the names of General Grievous' deadly bodyguards: IG 100 MagnaGuards. (IG stands for InterGalactic, as in InterGalactic Banking Clan.) It seems from the name that they're IG 88's successors, but EU material suggests that IG 88 came into existance after the Clone Wars. Interesting... Well, all sorts of manufacturers (computers, cars, etc.) sometimes introduce products with a lower numerical designation, so it's perfectly logical that the IGCB would do the same.
Finally, I've been getting a lot of work done on my Star Wars website, version 2.0. Hopefully I'll have all the updates online by the New Year!
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