Monday, August 30, 2004

Summer Reading

We're back from Taconnet now, which means a few things.

  1. I can get daily Star Wars updates.
  2. I can update this more often.
  3. I can work on my web site more.
  4. I'll be reading a lot less.

Now then, let's deal with numbers three and four.

First of all, I've been working on a major update to my web site (as you may or may not know), and part of that update will be a new and improved Star Wars section. Wahoo! However, I've got a bunch of other stuff going on too, so the SW update may have to wait. :-(

As for #4, I end up reading a lot less at home than I do in the wilderness of Maine. Still, over this summer I've read a lot. By a week from today I will have read over 5,000 pages over summer vacation -- which is a huge amount for me.

Most of that reading was, as is to be expected, Star Wars. I've been reading the NJO a lot -- this summer I've read Agents of Chaos II through Dark Journey. Enemy Lines I is next. For the Clone Wars, I've read The Cestus Deception and MedStar I. In addition to that, I read Vision of the Future.

Unfortunately, the amount of Star Wars I could read was severely limited by school reading requirements (otherwise I could have read at least three more). :-( Oh well.

The nice thing is that I'm finally catching up to LucasBooks. In the past, I've always been reading books that were released many years ago. Now, especially with the Clone Wars books, I've caught up. Yippee! :-)

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Revenge of the Sith

Hi! We're still up in Maine on vacation, and this has been my first chance so far to update. And there's been some big news since my last update: the title of Episode III!!!

Personally, I'm a big fan of the title Revenge of the Sith. Nice connection with Ep. VI, nicely describes the actual content of the film, and ties in with Darth Maul's comment about revenge in Ep. I.

What do you think? Actually make use of the handy-dandy comments feature for once and let me know!