Friday, July 23, 2004

Fan Films, Wookiee Shoot & More

Fan Films
Yesterday was the 3rd Annual Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards (or TAOS-WaFFA for short). There are some great ones in there; be sure to check it out. Also, if you haven't done so already, be sure to watch the excellent Star Wars Gangsta Rap -- and then, watch the all new Special Edition! They're amazing.

The TAOS-WaFFA took place at Comic-Con, which is a great big gathering with a great big Star Wars presence. Check out the link for all the official stuff from the official site.

Wookiee Shoot
This July 26-29, there's going to be a Wookiee shoot for Episode III. I'm really excited about the whole Wookiee aspect of the final Star Wars; not only do we get to see Kashyyyk (their home planet), we get to see great big fighting warrior wookiees! Yippee! Hyperspace subscribers will be able to watch the shoot live online on the Episode III webcam. Unfortunately, we'll be on vacation at Taconnet during that time (we're leaving bright & early tomorrow -- read more here), but hopefully I'll be able to log on to watch at least a bit.

And More
I've been working a lot on the Star Wars aspect of my web site recently. In the near future, look for a new design, more reviews of Star Wars stuff, and tighter integration between this blog and my Star Wars site.

Also, as you might have read above, we're leaving tomorrow for Taconnet. I'll have plenty of reading time while there, so I hope to finish at least 4 more Star Wars books in that month. That's one a week -- wish me luck! (I haven't quite finished Edge of Victory I - Conquest, but I'm really close, so maybe that one shouldn't count.)


Well, that's all folks. I'll pretty much be out of contact for the next month, but if I'm lucky maybe I'll get a chance to update this. Aloha!


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