Monday, July 19, 2004

Revised Read Schedule

Yesterday we took a little trip to Barnes & Noble and got three new books: Medstar I, Edge of Victory II: Rebirth and Star by Star. Unfortunately, they didn't have The Cestus Deception, which will throw off my attack plan a bit.
Previously, the plan had been to attack 100% on the Clone Wars front in order to try to get all those books finished before Episode III (as well as Labyrinth of Evil, which is the sort of lead-in book to Episode III and isn't technically a Clone Wars book, though it certainly takes place during that time).
However, due to the fact that B&N didn't have TCD (hehe... abbreviations galore!), I'll have to delay the attack on the Clone Wars front a bit. I suppose I'll read Edge of Victory I, and by then perhaps TCD will be available.
So, I'll save the New Jedi Order for after the Clone Wars stuff, and Splinter of the Mind's Eye I'll probably save until after I finish the NJO. Or perhaps I'll just read it if I ever feel like a break from the NJO.
I still have to fit in Survivor's Quest and Tatooine Ghost, though. However, I've decided to continue to ignore (for now) those little stragglers I left behind in my sweep through the Classic & New Republic era EU. Online people were discussing the worst SW books ever, and -- amazingly -- virtually every book I've skipped was on there. Even more amazingly, virtually none I have read were on there! Yippee!
So, I suppose I'll save those for some later date.
Also on the SW publishing horizon is the completion of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Septology (which will be a prequel-era book), a six-book series taking place during the Old Republic, and a post-NJO trilogy. I can't wait! I'm finally actually catching up to Star Wars publishing! :-)
In Other News
I'm still, of course, eagerly awaiting the release of the original trilogy on DVD. Rumors abound that still more changes have been made. I, for one, wouldn't mind, though I know many SW fans would. In my opinion, Jabba in ANH, the whole Han/Greedo faceoff and OT lightsaber work seems especially ready for a little touch-up. (Ironically, both Jabba and the Greedo incident need touch-up work as a result of the Special Edition. How odd.)
I've also heard that Naboo will be added to the ending of ROTJ. That could be interesting, and would really tie together the whole series even more. Since Naboo is the location of the Emperor's private retreat during the OT, it would be interesting to see what had changed in about 30 years.
Of course, one of the longest-circulating rumors is that a shot of Bail Organa on Alderaan just before it goes ka-boom would be added. That could be really interesting, especially since we would get to see what Alderaan really looks like for the first time ever. (Perhaps it'll be in Episode III, though... who knows...)
On the OT DVD bonus disc is a playable demo of Star Wars Battlefront. I'm really looking forward to that, too, since Battlefront is shaping up to be an amazing game. Republic Commando also looks great, especially the Wookiees. We'll have to wait a bit longer for that one, but I'm guessing it'll be worth it!
That's all for now, folks. Thanks for reading. Adios!


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