Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One Year Later: The Last Post

Exactly one year ago, right down to the minute, I posted my first post on this blog.* This, fittingly, is my last.

*Judging by the time stamp you see, anyway. Yes, I cheated. ;-)

While I may reactivate this site sometime in the future, it'll stay dormant for now. I'll certainly keep the archives up, though. From now on, head on over to my Hyperspace Blog for all my latest updates.

A year ago, I hadn't even seen a single trailer for Episode III. I didn't even know the title! Now, though, I've seen the movie eight times. Quite a lot has happened. It'll be interesting to see what the coming year is like.

That's all, folks. But remember: the Force will be with you... always.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode III


And I have to go to bed now... but it rocks!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


In a matter of minutes, I will be at the theater for the midnight showing of the final installment in the Star Wars saga! See those Wookiees celebrating on the right? Their glee pales in comparison to mine.

I must go now. The Force will be with you... always.

ONE: Less than three hours!

Less than three hours now! I finished ROTJ, and now I'm getting a bit of last-minute homework in... while wearing my ROTS sweatshirt and T-shirt. :-)

Then I'll watch the tail end of Episode II and GO SEE EPISODE III!!!

Yes, I'm very, very, very excited. VERY.

Am I more than just a little sad that it'll be ending? Yes. But it's not really ending. There'll be at least a couple more TV series, countless books, tons of comics, toys, videogames... you name it. Star Wars will live as long as fans exist to keep it going -- which means it's got at least another eighty years, assuming I live to be 95. With modern medicine, I think that's reasonable.

When I get home in about five or six hours, I'll be looking forward to seeing the digital version of ROTS this Sunday, playing the game, analyzing the movie for every detail, reading the book (finally!), seeing the deleted scenes on DVD, and whatever Super Special Limited Edition they cook up for the big 50th anniversary in 2027. Star Wars isn't ending... it's just beginning.

Well, not really. It's more in the middle. A little closer to the end than the middle, probably. But you get my point.

ONE: Midnight Showing!!!

Less than eight hours now! Read on to learn more!


Episode III @ Midnight

It was never a part of my master plan to go at midnight. Not seriously, anyway. Secretly, I always kind of wished things could work out so I would see it. Well, now...

YES!!! I'm going! At the last minute, it just kind of worked out that tickets were still available -- barely -- and I realized I really did want to go. It turns out I have very little homework due Friday, partially due to my going ahead and partially due to good scheduling luck -- we only have one class Friday. So, I'll skim Episode II after a bit of homework, and then go tonight. I'll get back around 2:30 AM. I'll go to bed -- as if I'll be able to go to sleep, thinking about all the awesomeness I just witnessed -- and wake up around 10:00.

I won't be able to have a full I - VI marathon, but it's worth it doing it this way anyway. I'll watch what I can of I and II tomorrow morning, and then go at noon with some family. Then I'll go home, watch what I can of IV - VI, and then go with a big group of friends at 7:00.To quote everyone's favorite Sith: "Yippee!"


I'm currently watching Episode VI. "Twilight is upon me... and soon, night must fall."

That's the exact point I'm at in the movie. And it's strangely appropriate. Night is coming fast, and with it, the final piece of the Star Wars saga.

That is the way of things.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

TWO: Blogs, Dreams, Midnight, and More

Only TWO days left now!!!


Hyperspace Blogs

Around noon yesterday, StarWars.com launched Hyperspace Blogs... and it was even announced in my own thread! Well, I'm sure it showed up elsewhere first, but whatever...

Anyway, because I've been so busy trying to finish all my homework in advance so I'll have an uninterrupted Star Wars Day on Thursday -- my work takes me long enough on regular days -- I didn't even check my thread. So, I didn't find out until the official announcement today. Sigh. Oh well. Second day isn't too bad, is it? Especially since today marks two days until Episode III!!! Ooh! Symbolism! Symbolism!

I'll probably make the full transition to Hyperspace Blogs this weekend, although I'll definitely keep this one up so you can look through the (almost) full year of archived entries. In the mean time, I'll be posting entries -- the exact same ones -- on both blogs.


Back on April 28, I dreamed that there were only two days left until Episode III. Well, that day has come! Then again, in my dream I was also Jar Jar Binks... yes, I'm serious... and I committed suicide. Yes, I'm serious.

I've been having a TON of Star Wars dreams lately. I don't remember them all, but I try to write them down when I do. A couple notable recent ones:

  • Watching Episode III in IMAX with my school.
  • Someone at school talking about "back when there were tauntauns." At school, apparently.
  • Watching Episode III digitally at Loews.
  • The Battle of Endor, except the Star Destroyers dive down to the surface of Endor and then submerge, becoming weird submarine hybrids.
  • I'm standing at a Galactic Senate security checkpoint when a couple MagnaGuards come in.

There have been more... tons more. I don't have time to write them all out, though.

Midnight Episode III Showing

No, I'm not going to it. Tons of people at school are, though. I'm not for a couple reasons:

  • Scheduling: if I'm to watching Episodes I and II, then go to III, then IV - VI, I'd have to start watching at about 18:00, which would give me virtually no time to do homework tomorrow night. I'd also have to stay up until about 10:00 the next morning, which brings me to my next point...
  • Sleep: I'd get no sleep. And sleep is nice. It lets me stay conscious throughout the next 30,000 viewings of ROTS... which, frankly, I think I could easily sit through, but you get the point.

Episode V

Tonight I continued my Pre-III marathon by skimming through the rest of IV, then watching Episode V. Yay!!!


Bed time. Sleep is good, remember that!

Monday, May 16, 2005

THREE: AOTC turns 3, ROTS turns -3

Today marks three years since Attack of the Clones' release, on May 16, 2002. It is marks negative three days until Revenge of the Sith's release! Three is the magic number, indeed.


My Star Wars Marathon Continues

Last night, I only got to the "Young Skywalker is in pain, terrible pain!" part of Attack of the Clones, so this afternoon, right when I got home from school, I saw the rest (albeit skipping tiny bits). Then, during supper, we saw A New Hope up until the "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" part.

Customizable Excuse Note

Missing school or work this Thursday due to an inexplicable, one-day illness? Check out Geek Squad's customizable May 19th excuse note!

How many times?

Theforce.net has a poll going asking how many times you plan to see Episode III opening day. I fall into the "twice" category. When last I checked the results, 466 said "5 times or more" -- 8% of the votes tallied thus far.

37%: Once
42%: More than once
19%: None opening day

No, that doesn't total 100%, but that's what the poll results say.

I saw Episodes I and II six times each in theaters, just once on opening day. (Episode II, those, I saw once each of the first three days it was out.) Episode IV (Special Edition) I saw twice in theaters. Episodes V and VI I've never seen in theaters. The only time I've seen a movie twice in one day (that I can remember) is The Incredibles, and that was just so I could see the Episode III trailer twice! :-) (Also, I don't think that was opening day -- might have been the day after.)

For Episode III, I'm determined to see it at least a dozen times in theaters. So determined that, over TWO years ago, on Friday, April 11, 2003, I had my mom say a pledge, which I recorded on the computer, that she would allow me to see it so many times. I still have it. It's pretty long, and I have homework to do, but one day -- maybe this weekend -- I'll actually post a transcript.

Sith Happens

StarWars.com posted a new TV spot today, entitled "Sith Happens (3 Days)." I believe it was only showing on TV today, and that they'll have different ones for two days, one day, and THE day.

LEGO Fun at School

Today, during X-Block, which goes from 9:00 to about 10:00 on Mondays (plus or minus ten minutes), I stayed in my Geometry classroom -- that's what I had from 8:00 - 9:00 -- and played with some Legos some kid had left behind. First I made a roman numeral "III," made of of yellows with the exception of a stripe of red second row down. Then I made an "S," "I," "T," and "H," and attached them to the bottom of the "III" to spell "SITH." Then I made a couple random lava-ish structures, and then "Toph" to put off to the side as a signature, and then some more lava, and then a crude "19."

Chewie Fun at School

Speaking of school, I've been working on a model of Chewbacca's head for well over a month now. Everyone had to make a head out of cardboard, so I did Chewie. Everyone else has been done for weeks now, though. Not me. I'm finishing off the skeleton, and then I have to put cardboard "fur" on. Estimated time of completion? Used to be about now; now it's, pessimistically (but realistically), next fall. Sadly, it's not the kind of thing that can easily be taken home and worked on.


Three more days... three more oh-to-short days...


Exactly three days from now, I'll be watching Episode III!!!

Gotta go -- I'm in school. :-)


Sunday, May 15, 2005

FOUR: Galactic Dollars, Wookiee Hooky, and more

Four more days! And one week until I see the digital version, which is reportedly a teeny bit longer!


Galactic Dollars

Forbes.com has a fascinating article on how much money Star Wars has made. They estimate it to be about $20 billion, adjusted for inflation. "The amount of money generated by the Star Wars franchise over the course of its lifetime is sufficient to eclipse the annual gross domestic product of Paraguay." Hehehe....

Wookiee Hooky

Speaking of money, the New York Post is reporting that American businesses stand to lose $627 million this week due to employees playing hooky to go see Episode III! Yikes. :-) (Then again, they point out that it'll at least give the film industry a little boost!)

Episode III Reviews

They've been positive so far, which is reassuring, although I'm sure I'd love it no matter what the critics said. Today the Boston Globe had a special preview, which I'm not reading until after I see the movie. Who knows what they could have thrown in there!?

I'll be posting a quick review on Thursday, a more extensive one Friday, and then a Digital Version update on Sunday.

Theater Count

Revenge of the Sith is estimated to be opening in 3,700 theaters this Thursday, making it the 10th widest release ever.

The Unifying Force

What with all this Episode III stuff, it's easy to forget that I'm on the brink of completing the New Jedi Order! I'm determined to finish The Unifying Force by Thursday, but still have about 250 pages left. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it....


I'll be watching Episode II tonight, to follow up on yesterday morning's viewing of Episode I. I have to go now, so may the Force be with you!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

FIVE: Planning, TV, a Birthday and more

Only five more days now! You know, five is the number of Star Wars episodes currently out. So today is special. Yesterday was also special, since it marked six days left, and six is the total number of Star Wars episodes. The day before that was special because it marked one week until Episode III. The day before that (we're at last Wednesday, the eleventh, now) was special because it marked eight days left, and eight is the number of Star Wars movies currently completed (Episodes I - VI, plus the two Ewok movies). Last Tuesday was special because it marked single-digits in the countdown to Episode III. Last Monday marked the last day of double-digits. And so on. :-)


Planning the 19th

This Thursday, you know, is rather special. For me, at least. You see, it's the day my younger brother presents his big CHP project. Oh, and it's opening night for the school musical. And it's the season finale of The O.C. And there are speeches at school for people running for class officers. And my dad has a dentist appointment.

Oh yeah, and I think there's some movie coming out, too.

I've noticed that events tend to clump together on certain days, especially Thursdays. It's kind of annoying sometimes, because it can cause annoying scheduling conflicts. For example, this past Thursday, the 12th, was the Boston City Year Episode III Charity Premiere. But it was also "Asian Nite" at school (which we actually got extra credit in History for attending) and George Lucas' cameo on The O.C.

This Thursday, though, is going to be one of the most exciting in my life.* I've been planning it for years, now, but the current plan -- and my first actual thought-out one -- took shape this past summer, in Alaska.

Two of my uncles, my aunt, two of my cousins, my brother, my parents and I were all walking along one a beautiful hill. There was a restaurant there, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, and we had lunch there. While walking around that day, though, I was talking with one of my uncles -- the one that lives here, and not in Alaska -- about the 19th.

I proposed waking up, watching Episodes I and II, then the Clone Wars cartoons, then going to see Episode III, coming back, and watching IV, V, and VI. It seemed unlikely at the time, and I estimated it would take at least 18 hours, requiring us to wake up at about 6:00 AM and then go to bed around midnight. Here's the current, very rough plan.

May 18th
* Do all homework due Friday or earlier
* Prepare Star Wars DVDs
* 22:00: Go to bed (optimistically early)

May 19th
* 07:00: Wake up, put in Episode I
* 09:20: Finish Episode I
* 09:21: Put in Episode II
* 11:45: Finish Episode II
* 14:40: Put in Episode IV
* 16:45: Finish Episode IV
* 16:46: Put in Episode V
* 18:50: Finish Episode V
* 19:00: EPISODE III (Second Showing) BEGINS
* 21:30: EPISODE III (Second Showing) ENDS
* 21:40: Put in Episode VI
* 23:55: Finish Episode VI

There you have it. Note that I may have to abridge the films a bit, since otherwise it might just take too long. I certainly wouldn't want to be late for Episode III, now would I!?

Speaking of abridgement (is that a word?), just this morning I watched a slightly truncated Episode I. Tomorrow I'll do the same with Episode II, then IV Monday, then V Tuesday, and VI Wednesday. I intend to be one of the first people in the world to see every Star Wars movie (abridged or not; yes, I'm kind of cheating) twice in one week-long period. :-)

TV Ads

Yesterday, two new TV ads went online at StarWars.com: "Celebration" and "Brothers." They're both pretty cool, albeit not as good as "End of Wars" (which went online this past Wednesday). There are now fourteen trailers and ads for Episode III on the site, not counting the "trailer-for-the-trailer" that showed on Fox before the premiere of the theatrical trailer.

I find it fun to imagine what someone would think of one of the Episode III trailers if they saw it after the end credits for "Return of the Jedi" back in 1983. Would they figure out who was who? What was going on? It's interesting to think about. It's also fun to think about showing it to someone who had just seen "A New Hope" for the first time. Back then, no one could have possibly imagined how big Star Wars would be, even almost thirty years later.

Philosophy and Star Wars

In History class recently, we examined the connections between The Matrix and Plato's "Allegory of the Cave." It was very interesting for everyone to examine a pop culture icon in a philosophical light. Recently, for that and other reasons, I have been considering the more philosophical ideas behind Star Wars. Perhaps the most prominent theme is that of machines taking over life -- which, interestingly enough, is also prominent in The Matrix. Just today I found this fascinating article defending Episode II from critics and pointing out some very subtle themes in the film.

Revenge of the Brick

Last Sunday, Cartoon Network featured a LEGO mini-movie called "Revenge of the Brick." When I first heard about it, I thought it was a LEGO version of the whole movie, and thus didn't watch on Sunday. Turns out it's just a random silly little bit taking place on Kashyyyk. It's not even a LEGO version of the Kashyyyk battle in Episode III; it's just, well... random. That's the only way I can describe it. Fortunately, it was recently put online at StarWars.com. It's actually a pretty fun little thing, albeit very silly. Don't worry, it doesn't spoil anything. The only things it has in common with Episode III are a few ship designs, Obi-Wan and Anakin's new haircuts, Kashyyyk, and a brief appearance by General Grievous, who doesn't even do anything other than balance on one leg and serve some drinks.

Databank Updates

This past Wednesday StarWars.com updated the Databank with new entries on the Senate in Episode III. It's the third Episode III Databank entry, after "A Stab at the Heart" (May 4), covering the opening space battle, and "The Beginning of the End" (November 8).

Happy Birthday!

Finally, I'd like to wish George Lucas a very happy birthday! He turns 61 today. For the first time in three decades, he's actually able to enjoy his birthday without worrying about the next Star Wars movie on the horizon.

Assuming, that is, he had planned to do the prequels all along. :-)


*Did you know that Episodes IV, V, VI, and I each opened on a Wednesday, but that II, like III, opened on a Thursday? Episode I was actually originally going to be released May 21, 1999, which would have been a Friday, but at the last minute they moved up the release date.